Wednesday, July 11, 2007

onwards, young flying things...

For me painting is often a seriously painful battle. If you are not really fighting your way through a piece then you are probably "painting by numbers." Painting always seems like the end of the world to me even though it is only 50 dollars worth of art board you risk losing. I can barely bring myself to show people a piece when I am in the "fighting" stage. It is like a writer showing the first draft...Coaxing dreams from the ether requires you to get into a certain emotional state, if you are going through the motions then you might as well just paint portraits of rich people. (not that I wouldn't paint portraits of rich people I would just charge them enough so I can avoid my impulses of replacing the family dog with a horseshoe crab) I would rather drink coffee (which I have never tasted and have a phobia of) than show this work in its unfinished state.

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