Friday, November 2, 2007

Time Lapse Camera

I prepped entire ceiling today. I will work on design this weekend and and resume work on Monday. I am very excited to share that the entire process of my Da Vinci mural will be filmed on time lapse video! I will either have a set up that enables you to view the process from a website or have a link direct to my blog. On the way home from mural I realized that I put my sketchpad and drawings in the back of my pick up so half of my Da Vinci studies took flight on the expressway and stuck to the grill of Mack truck behind me. I wonder what he thought we he stopped and pulled the drawings out of his grill and found that they were very detailed drawings of Leonardo....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The truck driver probably thought "Damn, someone just lost a bunch of beautiful sketches."