Sunday, January 27, 2008

richard lacayo-----moron of the ages!

I traveled to Philly in 2005 to write about the Dali retrospective for a magazine. My article was well written, concise and had the unmistakable stamp of "knowledge of subject" --- Being a man who has read over thirty books about and by Dali and one who has studied him intensely for over 15 years I get rattled when I read reviews that are obviously just a bunch of requisite facts nicked from google and strung together to try to create the illusion that you actually know something about an artist. It is not "cool" in the elitist, ivory- towered art world to like Dali--- it is cool to praise lunkheads like Damien Hirst or rauchamburger who cant draw or paint and consider a shark in formaldehyde a work of genius. Bah to you ! Your theories will rot like the shark that must be replaced every year and unlike the work of Velásquez or Dali whose work will stand the acid test of time and ages. It would be nice to have a public debate with this writer as I would run a double helix of circles around his limited mind in regards to Dali's true value as an artist. Sometimes I understand why Hemingway would step into boxing rings with people to "discuss things" it is easier than typing! Here is his "dribble" in time magazine... My tone is not meant to be cynical, I am just fighting for something I believe in.,9171,1027509,00.html?promoid=googlep

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