Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I will draw your dreams---gardega

I woke up today thinking I would like to draw or illustrate peoples dreams. If anyone has visually interesting dream, email it to me and I will draw it. I will need as much information as you can remember. Recurring dreams are interesting, methinks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Recurring dreams can make you crazy...I have this recurring dream that I'm desperately looking for my dad. In the dream I really NEED to find him but I keep missing him by a few minutes. I'm tracking him in my car and I just keep missing him. At one point in the dream I actually see him as he is leaving, but I can't get his attention no matter how hard I try.

This dream started the day after he died, but I wasn't aware of his death at the time as he died out of the country and we hadn't been notified yet.

It rips me apart everytime I have it. The only thing that keeps me from going beserk over it is that I feel he's with my mom who died a couple years prior.

My dad died in Tortola in the British Virgin Islands, on February 27, 1992.

16 years is a long time to have the same dream. I know I'll have the dream again tonight.

Thanks for letting me vent...