Wednesday, April 2, 2008

the bees are dying---by gardega

The bees are dying and I have researched this matter and alex believes that genetically altered crops have been their undoing. They have lived through too many years of pesticides to blame simple chemicals on their demise. We have opened Pandora's Box with our genetic altered foods and stuck our grubby hands into god's picnic basket one too many times---he is not happy. If the bees die, the crops die and then "Houston, we have a problem." I am sure this ridiculous spraying for a non-threatening west Nile has not helped either but I like to look to mythology to understand reality in the tradition of the great genius that was carl jung.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude, you're right, it's way scary! the genet. altered stuff is out of control, and here comes cloned food...anyone remember how we created mad cow,,the human race will find a way to destroy itself