Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I was in a cab ten minutes ago..the TV in the cab would not shut off..it kept playing and playing and playing...If you read 1984 you will remember that in 1984 the TV never went off--you could only turn it down. I am so sick of this kind of stuff--I am sick of cameras every where, I am sick of thumb scans, eye scans, brain scans and the whole big brother surveillance society..If your view is that I am not doing anything wrong so I dont mind the government watching me then do me a favor---dont log into my website..I cant stomach people who are that dumb and simple. I dont care about anything these days except the fact that I dont want to wind up in a surveillance society. People get mad that I am not voting for Obama---If obama told me he was going to stop our march towards an orwellian New World order I would vote for him in a second and the same for Mcain..For now I hate both of those liars and will not vote. I will not go gently into the dark night of 1984 dystopia, you are more than welcome to worship some false messiah and to keep in soaking the cathode rays of mainstream news. I am disturbed that people are just "going along to get along." Privacy is an ideal worth fighting for.

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