I made this shower door for a gallery owner in NYC. The subject is the Oedipus Sphinx. I remember well that this was an enjoyable process/ piece..There were no tears or grey hairs associated with this piece!
my webman has been slowly overhauling www.gardega.com it is coming along and soon the bad apples of past art will fall from the tree and it will be ripe and heavy with the golden apples of the art of the present!
sorry for being lax on my blog..I am on another "brooklyn project" and will load some new stuff when I return tonight. I saw a lemon tree in a store window today, I spent ten minutes staring at it as it was full of lemons. Artists like me can never invent something as clever as a lemon tree, we can only do our best to copy the mind of the great architect upstairs. I sometimes think a blank canvas is symbolic of the universe before it was The Universe. I am not religious but I think there is a certain intelligence out there that made lemon trees and that the best an artist can do is to paint a lemon tree and by doing this we can briefly step into the pajamas of the creator.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
I will be posting a few links to my etched glass work. I know they are a bit repetitive. It is for search engine optimization etc....and other such techie terms...More art tonight, I am in brooklyn again. please bear with my techie test.
Here is a framed watercolor I never had time to photograph correctly. I believe it is about 22" x 30". If anyone wants a price on this email me. I may put on ebay at some point.
My whole life I have been a huge fan of the 19 th century illustrator Arthur Rackham. He was a huge success in his time and remained a very hardworking , humble, english gentleman. He was one of the great artists of his generation regardless of the fact that he was an illustrator and not a "fine artiste" He was much better than most artists of his time (the ones read about in the art history books) free to google and learn more about the underrated artist whose subject matter of fairies and elves will never be accepted by the elitist art world. His line was a thing of wonder and it still resonates with the unmistakable touch of genius.
Today I will spend some time loading up a few new drawings. Thanks to Jennifer from Houston for buying my "Salvation" Drawing!....Will hit post office today to get out artwork as well.
I (alex) have to go to Brooklyn today...Back tonight--It is supposed to be 70 today in NY so I may run in the hydrant. talk amongst yourselves while I am gone, I may be able to update from the road...check back...
Today it is surprisingly warm out, which got me thinking about spring, which in turn got me thinking about the Adirondack Mountains and my need to get back up there and paint with my watercolors. Watercolors are a nightmare and require great focus so as to not to make a muck of your work. If you hit it right, there is glory and if you miss your target then you have a piece of paper useful for lighting a campfire. If you visit the Adirondacks, it will never leave you.(not unlike insanity) The Saranac lake region is beyond words but not beyond watercolors..
here is a picture of a friend and collector of my work named Clay. He sent me a picture of himself working on his T-shirt/ fashion line...I dont want to say the name without permission...another person I got to know well but never met personally...
Here is the finished drawing of my new piece. I have to scan it in pieces so it has a few jagged edges that break up the flow. I will paint this and carve it in glass . The first study is in my ebay store.I may sell this drawing as well as I am not sure If I will paint onto the paper or trace it to canvas...it is 22 inches square on Rives BK paper.
It was recently discovered that ancient roman warriors held together their battle gear with a "super-glue." It is an unknown substance that they are now trying to figure out the composition of. So far the German scientists have not been able to reproduce the glue..
If you bought art I will ship it out very soon. I have set my mind to move to Brooklyn in March or April. The suburbs often seem to me like Pepsi that has lost it's fizz. I guess it is fine if you are married and have children but my children are square and made of canvas and paper.