Saturday, November 29, 2008
lot of five drawings by gardega
price 100.00
you can buy to the right or email me.
five drawings by gardega
100.00 lot of five sketches by gardega,
email me or you can click on the button to right and buy for 100.00. just specify what you are buying. The first person who buys off of my site will get a free gift from me.
iris panel
Friday, November 28, 2008
school of athens geometry--by gardega
I have been trying for months to figure out the geometry that raphael used in his construction of the school of athens. I spent my thanksgiving drinking wine and working on it. I finally figured it out using overlapping pentagons. I have very little doubt as to this being his method of construction. I also think the circles may represent planetary alignments by I will not stray into the esoteric, I will stick with math and truth. I used some photoshop to make it easier to see where my drawing fits in. Overlapping pentagons is pure genius. VIVA Raphael. Try drawing this yourself and you will find that it is very hard to keep track of which circle ends where and for that matter how many overlapping circles there are...can you count? I was constantly losing my place and would have to start over from scratch.
watercolor of the day---by gardega
Whenever I venture back to my parents I go through dozens of my "pack rat" bins I own and dig through them to find stuff. I have about 50 bins full of things that other people would never understand. I save old magazines, articles, old sketches---- anything I think I may be able to use one day. I try to throw things out but I have a hard time. I found this sketch on turkey day. It was a watercolor I made for a mural proposal for an architect years ago.
If you want to purchase this it is $100.00 dollars. I set up the blog today to accept cards and paypal.. Not sure if it works yet. feel free to try.
watercolor on paper 8 x10 roughly
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
words of the day--n.p
Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
All of us do time in the gutter
Dreamers turn to look at the cars
Turn around and turn around and turn around
Turn around and walk the razors edge
Dont turn your back
And slam the door on me
alex explains the dollar
If you look on a dollar you will see that it is a federal reserve note. It is not actual money. The fed is not a branch of the govt. but rather a private institution that prints money willy nilly and lends it at interest to banks. The constitution says that only the treasury can print money. But no one cares about that document anymore. Each dollar used to be backed by gold. it is now backed by nothing except hot air. (which is why one day it will be worth nothing. ) you cannot print money out of thin air forever. We have what is known as a FIAT CURRENCY* a fiat currency is like a Macy Thanksgiving parade float eventually it is deflated or put to pasture (or worse.) People tend to think they hold actual money in their hand, you are essentially holding a promise (just as lucy promised not to move the ball..) Enjoy your turkey and drive safe. My brain hurts when I think about anything but art.
*The terms fiat currency and fiat money relate to types of currency or money whose usefulness results not from any intrinsic value or guarantee that it can be converted into gold or another currency, but instead from a government's order (fiat) that it must be accepted as a means of payment
Our tap water is full of pharma, flouride and poison --bottled water is even more polluted and our milk is full of bovine growth hormones. now this. I am going to start drinking whiskey.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Gardega Newsletter---rough draft
Dear Sir/ Madame,
I am writing to introduce you to my work and to my humble newsletter, The Gardega Report. I am an artist whose vision is focused sharply on the heels of the great American Art Dream. My art is a thing undefined, a token of my journey down a strange highway. I am most interested in visual imagery that creates a sense of transcendence from the “here and now” and whatever media or highway gets me there is not important. My vision is influenced by science and literature and the Renaissance and the modern media. As an explorer, I do not make the same visual bread everyday, Picasso spoke of this and I share his restless nature . My ingredients and vision change with the available light of reality.
I have a large following throughout the
That works for me.
Alex Gardega
"MODERN art is like a
PAGE SIX: January 14, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
staten island book cover
I painted this for ambassador publishing. It is Staten Island. Yes, I actually took my first visit to S.I to try to make it right. I must admit to heightening reality a bit. I will include the tear-sheet/ book cover print as well.
for sale.
(I will include a signed tear-sheet/ book cover print as well.)
18 x 24 oil on canvas
email me for inquiries.
happy days are here again, the sky is blue and....
Sunday, November 23, 2008
quote of the day---hst
—The Great Shark Hunt, 1979