Read your blog every day, love it. I also received my piece from you that was WAY beyond my expectations, it is amazing. I am trying to take a picture of it framed to email you, so far they are too blurry, but I'll get it right.
It's funny that you posted your opinions on different artists today. My husband and I have an ongoing debate that I would love your take on. Lichtenstein, I like his works, but husband says he's crap and ripped off too many people. Any thoughts?
Keep Blogging,
Kerre from Boston
answer: Lichtenstein was a fraud. He was not capable of rendering the images himself and the Benday dot thing attributed to him was first explored by the Divine Dali. He was only capable of taking comic artist's and capable illustrators hard work and appropriating it . Appropriation (stealing) is a common "go to" for artists who can neither draw nor paint original thoughts. I spent years studying the old masters to one day become Gardega. I do not today put pictures of bart simpson in my paintings, pray to the god's of irony and call it art. Most people do not know the first pop culture image ever ever place in a painting was a coke bottle (by Dali-- of course) If Lichtenstein was a good comic artist I would have more respect for his faded and dubious glory.
Hi Alex: I received your package today. Thank you very much and this weekend I will be framing these pictures for my living room. I read your blog everyday just to see what new art is posted.
Thanks again,
Don (from Yorktown Hts,NY)