Friday, September 5, 2008

buried in work will post updates tonight.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

job 1

Here is one of 5 jobs I am working on. I have to convert this metal deco design into glass panels....there are many issues to tackle on this job but it is not terribly difficult..I am hoping to be done Tuesday. I am also working on re-doing a panel in a nightclub that was smashed by a man who thought he could jump through glass. I guess with enough vodka glass could appear as water or a cool stream and technically glass is a liquid--- not a solid...The glass is ready for my "birch wall" so I must address that item as well, I am hoping to get that done in two weeks. I have to paint the queens unisphere for the 5th time and that is due mid-sept-- need a vacation as I am getting worn down by a summer of endless work and no play. I need to fly away to somewhere so I can draw and paint and stare at my toes. I want to go to barcelona and drink sangria and see where dali grew up.

artist of the day---Masaccio

I am under a lot of deadlines so I have to get up at three AM and not my usual 5 AM. I went to the corner deli and the NY Post was not even there yet. Something I will discuss now about art history is the artist Masaccio. He was a lesser-known genius but very important in that he introduced the idea of one point perspective and even though he died young he had a profound effect on later artists. He also made breakthroughs in the way he painted the figure. I suppose he moved art forward from the stiffer, gothic, pre-renaissance style of painting and brought some life and fresh air into his figures. It is good to know that these great figures paved the way so the Metropolitan can have a shark in formaldehyde. Progress!?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

orwell diary--sept. 3, 1938

Writing on the P. & O. ss. “Stratheden”, 23, 500 tons. No of passenger’s berths 1063. Left Tilbury dock 6pm yesterday. Position marked this morning (not certain whether 8 am or noon) as 49.25 N, 3.34 W, run being 288 miles. Distance to go 1007 miles. Passed Ushant, about 5-10 miles on port side, about 5pm. Now entering Bay of Biscay & traveling about due South. Should sight land again tomorrow night. Sea at present calm. Once or twice small shoal of fish, pilchards or sardines, leaping out of the water as though something were after them. Small land-bird, bunting or some such thing, came on board this morning when out of sight of land. Also pigeons perching on rigging.

painting of the day--kubin

Here is one of my favorite paintings of all time. it is a painting by an artist named alfred kubin. He is not a household name. This painting is one I would like to own. I am off to make glass art.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

mural video

Here is a small test video I made from time lapse footage of me painting a ceiling mural over three weeks time in Long Island. I will work more on this soon.

mural movie

I am going to attempt a feat that will surely be my undoing. I am going to try to make a movie of the Leonardo mural I painted on a ceiling. I am will attempt to take the thousand images of time lapse photography and edit them into a movie. I wish I was a techie or a pet photographer so I would not suffer with such issues. the journey of a thousand miles..


I am sorry I have been lax on posting. I am gearing up to make this large glass wall. I have been swamped with images in my psyche of images of floods. I grew up on a farm in texas and we would have massive floods. for some reason all those memories have been coming back to me and I have been drawing and painting floods. The funny thing is that I realized today most of my art is about floods and water.