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Someone is selling a bunch of my work on craigslist. I am okay with this and was actually contacted by the seller yesterday. Once your child is up for adoption you can only hope they grow up well. If I had extra money right now I would buy back the pieces. Here is one of the pieces for sale. I make no money off this and I only ask if you decided to resell my work you make it clear in the ads that I am not the seller. Otherwise the pieces are yours to do with what you please!
I think modern man has a built in emptiness and disconnect because he has lost his tribe. Deep in our collective cellular memory we have a need to be part of something. It is not in our true nature to be lone wolves. Modern man tries desperately to fill this psychic hole. Art (real and honest art) is sometimes a helpful way to fill this vacuum. Media has become a sugar fix for our needs. TV and the internet merely serve to distract us. Bars across america are full different tribes who gather regularly to partake in the communal ritual of drink. The media has become the way most people find ritual and commonality in their lives. But, unlike art, it offers little for the soul. Ritual is in our DNA and now we have lost ritual and even church rituals have become out of touch with the true reasons they were first used. People go to museums to experience ritual and they don't even know it. Modern Media and art does not fill this human need. Making empty art to express that we live in " empty times" is like bailing out a boat with a fork. (it doesn't help!) Gardega has decided that ritual AKA art can help us through our lives when it is made fro mthe hands of genius and genius only requires honesty.
I have always believed that horseshoe crabs are a sacred animal. The american indians held the belief of power animals, animals that held magic/ sacred properties such as buffalo and eagles etc.. The medicine men believed in finding your own sacred animal that would guide you through the world. I am pretty confident my "animal" is the sacred horseshoe crab. The horseshoe crab is already used in saving human lives through its blue blood. A close artist friend brought me over a gift of five crabs she found on the beach. I decided to lay them out as they are on my other website...
My goal is to have the left side of painting fairly locked down by Sunday. I will have most of the faces pretty well finished and the gestures worked out as well. As usual a freelance life steal away your weekends.
someone is selling works of mine on craigslist. I have no idea whom it is but It does not bother me if anyone wants to check it out. As long as they aren't stolen pieces we live in a free nation. (I promise it is not me selling the works..) I only sell on ebay or from my site but I am sure they are legit as I am not really aware of forgeries!
I have finally found a name for my new painting. "The New Apostles" I think that has a ring and will serve my purposes very well. I will be painting all day today and try to upload progress as well.
I have two weeks to finish my last supper and will update progress starting tomorrow. I am enjoying the process and I am also trying to clarify across the boards that there is nothing blasphemous abut the piece, I think it is a positive message to get back to art ands spirituality that was lost when art became too much about commerce and humans actually had attention spans. I will post updates and drawings tomorrow.
In the words of the genius that is Peter Gabriel. "It is so strange the way things turn." I started making religious inspired art a few years ago without any reason as to why except my hand guided me there. Within a few months I had a request to do a mausoleum glass carving of St. Francis. I thought that was odd and then recently after I started my last supper painting I ran into a stranger who is working for a man who is looking for a leonardo mural on the ceiling of his house. So I may be painting a leonardo ceiling in the near future.
I was interviewed today by Fox and I think I did okay without mumbling too much or sweating. When the painting is finished in two weeks they will have me on Hannity and Colmes for a live interview. They will use today's shoot as the intro to the live appearance on hannity and colmes.They were very nice and professional and it was a nice day for freedom. Now back to the easel!
I have a confirmation of the time my TV interview today. nature of TV and schedules change last minute etc. But It will most likely happen. I have decided to just go with the flow as I am not good a pre-scripted speech or ideas and I will just be my surrealist self. I love the idea of being on live camera where one can fumble all over one self and fall on your face. I am sure alex will remember most of why he painted this painting if they ask. The answer in truth is I have no idea why.
the bread of the national collective psyche lies in wait to be broken and feasted upon by the establishment media. Washed down with a fine, sugary- wine and digested during the post- meal slumber.
Today is my last day to paint before the last supper is exposed "in progress" on Television. "In Progress" is never a happy thing for artists because it shows all the dirty laundry and ugly corners that still need to be painted. It is never comfortable to show one's baby while still in the womb but such is life.