article by paul watson.
Neel Kashkari, the fox appointed to guard the henhouse and front the multi-trillion dollar bailout, faced angry questions from Dennis Kucinich and Rep. Darrell Issa during a hearing today, as Issa accused him of playing a “bait and switch” game with taxpayers’ money.
All the major networks carried footage of the U.S. House subcommittee hearing this morning and aired Kashkari’s opening statement in full. But as soon as Kucinich and Issa were about to weigh in, the networks almost simultaneously cut the feed and moved on to a different story. Another example of how the corporate media is owned by the same elite that runs the Federal Reserve.
Kucinich accused Paulson and Bush of circumventing Congress by completely changing the destination of where the bailout money would go and refusing to disclose what had happened to $2 trillion dollars of taxpayer money, adding, “I think it’s fairly obvious that Congress would have never passed the [rescue plan] had it known how Treasury would marshal the resources it was given.”
Kucinich’s battle with Kashkari went as follows, according to a Washington Post blog report.
“I assure you the secretary is passionate about this,” Kashkari said.
“Passionate about what?” Kucinich said.
“About helping homeowners,” Kashkari replied.
“Where?” Kucinich asked, sarcastically. “What country?”
“We are using all the tools available to ease the credit crises,” Kashkari said. “Let me give you an example…”
Kucinich interrupted Kashkari and continued his harangue.
“Maybe this is a game to some people in the administration. They’re on their way out of office and they can do whatever they want,” said Kucinich who tried to launch impeachment proceedings against Bush. “Meanwhile, people are hoping against hope” for help with their mortgages.
Kashkari tried to explain why the $700 billion was not used to buy troubled mortgages, but Kucinich would hear none of it.
This bill was originally sold to the people with the idea it would help them keep their mortgages. they lied! Congress should be evicted and sent to New Jersey Prisons.
alex is not for socialism but if you are stealing 2 trillion from the american taxpayers at least help the people keep their homes instead of sending large portions of money to overseas banks a and to the bonuses of the rotten thieves who created the mess.