Saturday, March 1, 2008

glass study--by gardega

Here is my fifth doodle/design for a glass carving. I think this piece can work with some refinement. I have to finish all work by march 20th.

Harvard Yard

My former assistant has been accepted to Harvard Med School, she will be attending in the fall. I am very happy for her and will recommend she study the blood of the noble horseshoe crab for her thesis and after she makes the big breakthrough that will cure all cancer she will give me a footnote in the great book of medical discoveries.

Jarvick gets canned---by gardega

I was one of the first to let you know that the claim that Jarvick invented the artificial heart had more holes in it than your average swiss cheese. I get very annoyed when people take other peoples labors and pretend they are their own. It was gardega who told you about paul winchell, the voice of Tigger, and his part in inventing the heart. I was informed by a friend that Jarvick has been canned from the commercials as the cat was released from its bag! Viva gardega and Viva knowledge and infomation which is more valuable than art at times. The truth will set you free.

Friday, February 29, 2008

I go swimming

The water was around 40F. It changes your perspective.

ocean man

I am doing my regular jump in the drink today. It is just cold enough to check the temp of the water with my brain. I may be lazy and jump in the sound and not the ocean.

first sketches---by gardega

This is my very first sketchbook page in which I am figuring out a series of glass women for a brooklyn club. I like the initial energy so i will try to keep it in my final designs. It is very easy to kill the life out of your initial thumbnail sketches when you enlarge them and "refine" them. If you refine a native you risk taking the magic of what made that person. The American Indians were a very powerful people who gained nothing from being refined (like sugar.) I prefer the raw and the savage in art combined with skill and discipline--- so maybe there is a happy middle. This page is for sale if anyone is interested.

solar dragonfly

Here is a small electronic dragonfly. The dragonfly was a popular motif in art nouveau. I am not sure where the robot version fits into the art world.

bad art--rauchenberg

This is the worst piece of art Alex has ever seen and it is so very famous. do not worry, you need only to scroll down to see Rembrandt and he will save your eyes from this treachery. Many artists tell me I should be nicer and let other artists make their art--to each his own...I say-- BAH!! I must raise the consciousness to highest branch in the Tree Of Art where the birds of genius nest and play


This painting haunted me as a child. What an advanced subject matter for an artist to choose way back in the 17th century! As a child in Texas I saw a pig get hung up and slaughtered in the same fashion, I remember the blood freezing on the ground. I cannot say I liked seeing a pig get killed but I sure do like bacon.


I am 99% convinced that this is not a real Rembrandt but a Forgerino. Forgerino was a very famous artist who has been around a long time---It is awkward and forced and does not have the distinctive odor of genius that normally emanates from the work of Rembrandt. Maybe he had a bad day or was hungover. There are a lot of paintings that I find very suspect as to being by the hand of certain artists. I find it interesting that artist's find their own voice or style and "this" is hard to copy or forge. Only Hendrix can play Hendrix--- Although I do play a mean Dali when I am in the mood...I never really think I have a style although many people say that they can see my style in my different works from my glass to my watercolors----My nose is too close to my face and I cannot see it.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

the best laid plans...

every time I make big art plans I get sidetracked by the lure of money on a big project I cannot turn down.

blown by the wind...

news article of the day

hapless, hapless, hapless...

Here is a photo i took yesterday on the subway in NYC. It has a NYC winter- vibe to it, methinks.

club photos

I have an insane amount of work to do for this night club in Brooklyn. They have essentially let me take a lot of control and make it as my own art gallery. I am so buried in work I cannot see. This is a photo one of many meetings I have had at the club. Everyone is super nice and there is zero club "sketchiness" going on--- which is very refreshing.

photo of man sewing

I took this picture through a storefront window in NYC yesterday. I am going to paint this soon as it reminds me of Vermeer's lace maker.

proof of genius

I stopped in a gas station yesterday morn. to take a picture of a Uhaul that has a horseshoe crab image on the side. (it is a Delaware Uhaul, ground zero for H.crabs ) I had to take out the Swamp Angel glass piece out of the cab of my truck to get to my digital camera. I took out the swamp angel and realized my camera was not in my truck. I drove away annoyed and then a few miles away I realized I had left something behind at the gas station. I turned around and drove back and picked up the lonely swamp angel that was waiting for me against a tree. (Somebody had already purchased it so I am very happy to have retrieved it as I was on my way to frame it.) I think this is sufficient proof that I am a genius and on a side note I forgot to get gas.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I get regular premonitions of earthquakes and sometimes even the region comes to my mind. I had a bad dream of a California earthquake last night. Earthquakes are something I have never experienced except in dreams but I have seen many tornadoes in Texas.

I will draw your dreams---gardega

I woke up today thinking I would like to draw or illustrate peoples dreams. If anyone has visually interesting dream, email it to me and I will draw it. I will need as much information as you can remember. Recurring dreams are interesting, methinks.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the big bang explained--by gardega

A scientist said tonight , on TV, that the single biggest question in science is what set the "Big Bang" in motion. Firstly---Alex thinks, is that the whole question is backward. Why did anything have to set off the big bang, why is it limited to a cause/effect relation? If time is simply a mental construct as I believe (what is time without consciousness of time?) I think that by looking out we are actually looking in and ignoring the effect of the viewer on the experiment is foolish. Also, we must understand that our brain has never even been exposed to light, it has only created its own idea of what light is.

the map is not the territory---descartes

now back to our regularly scheduled program...

fluorescent future

There is a mission by "the powers that be" to rid us all of incandescent light and to force us to use fluorescent bulbs. In fact, it (a bill) has already been passed to do away with the regular bulbs that light our lives. I hate fluorescent light as much as I hate bad art, it is the worst thing I have ever heard of. I will break any and all laws as I cannot stand fluorescent light---it flutters and it is green and hellish and gives me bad nerves. I guess it makes sense that the future (1984) will be illuminated by the foul light of fluorescents! Fight back or we are doomed to a future lit with a sick and sad light. Fluorescents have been proven to cause severe psychic issues in homo sapiens and in animals.

by the way, they are all full of mercury.

lexi--by gardega


I am going to have fun and upload stuff for the next two hours..old stuff, new stuff, random stuff.

strange day

I woke up at four this morning and then at five I went to get my big gulp at seven eleven. For some reason I decided to buy a scratch off ticket (I rarely gamble.) I won 50 dollars and bought a second and then I won seventy dollars. Then I went to get gas and I saw a Uhaul with a huge graphic of a horseshoe crab on the side (it was a Delaware Uhaul) Exhaustion has been breeding strange dreams in my head, the sleep of reason produces monsters...I need to start running again and drawing as well. I shipped mary's art today as promised.

bar design--- by gardega

Here is my first stab at a design for a bar inside the club I am doing glass art and design for. The design theme of the club is classical design meets rock & roll. My bar has a bit of a nod to art deco accented with some reverse carved smoked mirror that will be lit from behind with LED lighting. The carved mirror will have art nouveau influences and also a nod to tattoo type line quality to keep the rock and roll feel. I am working out the "shark fins" atop the bar. The bar will accented with an old chandelier above. The two end pillars will be semi- circle shelving. I am also designing the entry way as you climb up the stairs and will post that soon. I will be at post office today mailing late art so dont yell at me, it will be there soon!

Monday, February 25, 2008


long , long day. I was in brooklyn by six AM and I returned at 9:00 PM. I am caught up doing artwork for a night club interior that I will post soon. I told them I would help design the bar and draw it tonight but I am cross eyed and bleary and will probably wake up at four and scramble to get it done as I usually let the demons of panic motivate my pencil.

dream awards

I woke up at four this morning from a strange dream and started updating my site. I think that there should be an awards show for dreams. If your teeth fall out into the sink you can get an award for the most disturbing dream. If you run as hard as you can and get nowhere you get an award for frustration. Then there is the dream of falling, there should be falling dream awards--- Maybe I just took a quick dip in lake stupid.

artist of the day---dulac

One of my favorite artists of all time is a book illustrator you may not have heard of--Edmund Dulac. I would like you to compare this picture to the one I commented on below by the well-known artist jasper johns and compare the two. This picture took amazing skill and patience and planning and seeing, the other piece---not so much...Dulac thrived during the "golden age" of illustration. It is hard to find much about his life and I have tried to find biographies on him. He had a great eye for color and style in his work and often made use of contrasting patterns as well. I will soon buy new books by him as writing this got me interested in his work again. I hope your eyes feel better after I assaulted them with the last work.