Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Whether or not you like picasso, (I personally prefer his early work) It is undeniable that he was a true genius. If you read his words carefully and what he had to say about art and philosophy, If you listen carefully, you pick up the crumbs of his genius. I find quotes of his that cut right to the bone of the matter and make things clearer for me in how I see art.

quote the raven:

"what does it mean...for a painter to paint in the manner of so and so or to actually imitate someone else? What's wrong with that? On the contrary its, it's a good idea. You should constantly try to paint like someone else. But the thing is, you can't. You would like to. You try. But it turns out to be a botch...And it's at the very moment you make a botch of it that you're yourself."

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