Saturday, October 27, 2007

the green of jealousy

Jealousy is the green hobgoblin of lesser minds. Genius will always encounter great resistance and the battle is always fought uphill. Genius cannot stoop to jealousy nor waste its valuable sacred energy in defense of itself. It is enough just to "know." Enemies and friends alike will indulge in the deadly sin whose complimentary color is the color red. Gardega is not capable of jealousy and wishes well to all... He will now let thy reader know about the COLOR SCALE and complimentary colors.

Lesson one!!! If thou mixes the foul green of jealousy with the red of glorious victory thy children will be grey and shriveled like the skin on the dying man. This is called complimentary colors (colors that fall directly across the color wheel from each other) It is interesting that jealously very rarely involves compliments and the red of victory is the polar opposite of the small-color of said hobgoblin.

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