Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I had a the strangest sleep last night! I spent the entire night (even when I was dreaming odd dreams) thinking about where I want to go next in art and where all the pieces fit together (including my blog of genius.) Alex decided with crystal clarity to kick things into high gear and to get a show together for a gallery in NYC. I will spend the next six months with the single minded dedication of a Navy Seal as I work on my show. I will document the process on this site and make many videos as well. I am pushing myself into levels of discipline and work I have never even considered. I will sell all my studies and sketches on this site as usually but the finished pieces will be for sale only through a gallery. I will have hundreds of drawings and studies for sale in order to fund the project (otherwise I will have to take on commercial work which will only distract me from my goal.) Any purchases of sketches etc will be greatly appreciated as it will help me reach my goal. I have not thought out my theme yet for the show and I may not even use a theme. My first piece for my show (by galleries request) is a painting of St. Sebastian. I will follow that with a self portrait.

The Hermit

1 comment:

R Keast said...

Ride the wave Alex... I'll see you when I see you ;)