Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year! a new canvas

The sun sets on another year and time paints her final, gentle shadows across the landscape of 2007! Soon a blank canvas will stare back at you from the easel of possibility and it is up to you to a timeless masterwork that will inspire the ages. The greatest enemy of art is fear. The same is true for life, if fear is the guiding force of "your brush" your canvas will turn into a lifeless thing. A lot of people from all walks of life read this "blog" which makes no sense to me because it is just me trying to figure out life and art and hanging out my reality like so much dirty laundry. It is strange to open up to strangers but I guess it is cheap therapy. I think people like this site because they can sense I am walking a road that I don't truly understand and that I am just reporting back from the field. The idea that people like my work and art is what keeps me going so any feedback is always welcome even if it is criticism. Thanks for supporting my art habit.


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