Thursday, November 13, 2008

honeybees--- CCD

colony collapse disorder

why are the honeybees dying?

Here is why:

GMO corn has built in pesticides that all the bugs stay away except the bees still pollinate from it. where you have a lot of GMO corn you will find the largest areas of honeybee depopulation . If you mess with god's handiwork there is big prices to pay. I am surprised all these global warming preachers do not speak to the death of the honeybees. If you dont pollinate crops-- the crops die. If the crops die--- (fill in the blank)

. If the bees die we are toast a lot quicker than any warming trends, cancer or other such maladies yet I never hear anyone discussing this issue. Maybe al gore should have spoke about the bees so we could buy ourselves an extra 1,000 days. didn you even know that all the bees are dying?

there are those who are argue GMO crops are not the cause but I am not convinced.

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