Friday, December 26, 2008


I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas had a grand one and those who didn't celebrate had good Chinese food or took in a good movie or just relaxed and did nothing. This is my final entry on this blog and I will miss it very much. I really want to start new and fresh and shed the old "skin of the past." I will keep this blog for archival purposes and back it up and save it etc. It has been a long and strange journey. I am making a lot of changes in my life and in my psyche and everything I do is usually about 119% so I am not sure where I will land after I jump out of this plane.

My New Blog is on word press and I am finding it a little bit clunky to use when adding content so I may switch formats to blogger eventually if I don't get used to word. Either way it will be all New Stuff! And I will explain the new paradigm when I understand it, myself. I may actually try to edit and punctuate on my new blog.

Meet the New Blog...Not the same as the old blog. (to paraphrase The Who)

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