Monday, August 27, 2007


I sometimes look back at all the art I have sold and I think about how I miss some pieces of art and wish I still had them. Then I realize that the money came and went very quickly and now I have neither the art nor the money I was paid for it---so I sell more art and so on. I then started to think tonight about why bankers and men with millions of dollars and universal business renown buy art and are proud of it and show it off to their friends etc. Art has some value I cannot describe. If art didn't have a value to the human psyche and condition it would have gone the way of the Dodo long ago. It is funny when you think that what makes a tea cup useful is not the fine china itself but the empty space it creates. Art is the same empty space in the well-chipped teacup of humanity. It (ART)makes no sense and it seems at times useless but in truth we would perish without it like a snail in salt . Beethoven was every bit as important to the human condition as the chairman of the federal reserve and in 100 years one name will still mean something to humans. (This is called me rationalizing why I don't have a real job.)

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