Sunday, August 26, 2007

Today's NY POST---page six

here is the link:
My secret project has been leaked to the press. (I blame my ex-girlfriend.) I am, as you may know, a Da Vinci nut and I also have an equal fascination with media and television news. I have my TV on fox news all day long as I paint and scan the net regularly for news updates around the world. I guess I am a media junkie to some degree ( although, I generally detest pop culture and avoid sitcoms etc .) I decided to take my bent for religious art and combine it with my media fascination and paint "The Last Supper" as if it was attended by the cast of fox news. I am not mocking anyone nor is my painting ironic or anti-anything. It is simply an intellectual exploration of the idea that paintings used to mean something to people before media saturated our fragile egg-shell minds. I have no use for irony as I think it is the most overplayed hand in this poker game called art. I will show the progress of the painting as it progresses on this blog and sell the sketches and studies as well as the original when it is done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do you talk to the ex? You have yet to say one positive thing about her and, frankly, she sounds troublesome. Besides, I think you like the media attention.