Friday, November 9, 2007

Last supper update

I have found out that Fox may not be airing my last supper piece as was planned. The idea of the piece was mentioned in Page Six prior to me ever laying down a brush and two weeks later a photographer stole my thunder by photographing a bunch of guys in leather in the last supper and gaining the attention of Fox for a full week so it seems my thunder was stolen by that. The annoying part is that photography takes three hours to set up a shot but painting takes skill and passion and blood and time and years of dedication. I spent two hundred hours on my painting and was blinded by the instantaneous flashbulb of digital non-art. In order to be a great artist one must not even spend one infinitesimal moment lamenting anything ever that doesn't work out. I have been on TV before and will be on again and have already figured out attack plan B. Of course there was no concept behind the photographer's piece aside from cliche shock-art. I created a valid statement on media being the new religion and I stand by my piece conceptually! My plan B is more exciting and will be revealed soon. I was rewarded for my patience with a life-changing phone call yesterday that I will share when the time is right.

viva gardega!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear we won't be treated to your Last Supper on TV. All things for a reason, I suppose. Can't wait to hear plan B.