Friday, November 9, 2007

the owl and the pussycat

I drew this in third grade as an illustration to my favorite childhood story, the owl and the pussycat. Even as a child I had a fascination with the baroque and with borders and ornament. I am convinced that ornament and geometry have some deep rooted Jungian aspects to them as I have a deep- rooted compulsive need to ad ornament and borders to much of my work (even today.) I think that geometry is a higher language because three dimensional space can be interpreted in two dimensional space. Three Dimensional "cubeland" can be understood in Two D "flatland." Many crop circles are actually two D representations of three dimensional objects. Perhaps if there was a higher intelligence trying to speak to humans they would use geometry and sacred geometry as well. Zen koans are made to awaken people to a higher plane of reality, they are almost representations of three dimensional thought that are made to be understood from a two dimensional or lower plane of reality. Parables work much the same way. The expression "pearls before swine" (I believe) alludes to this to some degree.

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