Monday, January 28, 2008

Big Brother---by gardega

I often think in themes and usually those themes come in fives as well. If I get interested in triangles I will usually explore five different avenues of triangles. If I am thinking about a direction to go in there are usually five paths ahead of me to be considered. Maybe it has to do with having five fingers on one hand and counting out things as a child. My site has five crabs on it and I only own five pairs of shoes and will throw away a pair when I buy a new pair. As far as triangles go there is another triangle to consider...Outside the empire state building in NYC there is a "triangle" area where cars will often not start. It is because of the frequency of the radio tower on top of the Emp. State building. This brings me to our next topic---Big brother---The Onstar company can turn your car off for you anytime they wish and we are happy to let them into our lives and cars for "safety." If you are willing to give up your freedoms and privacy for safety and security you deserve neither. Personal liberties are not five legged star fish--they do not grow back when gone.


Anonymous said...

Alex, I don't get the connection between rf waves and cars not starting. Are you sure cars aren't starting in the "Triangle" because of radio interference? Are the cars with or without satellite receivers? Is this a recent phenonmenon?

...I'm going to have to look into this.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I just read about this in the NY Daily it makes sense - frankly, it's pathetic how lazy we've become - this serves us right for becoming so dependent on gadgets and technology.

OnStar scares me...