Friday, February 1, 2008

Gold---by gardega

I bought some gold leaf today. I like to paint on gold leaf because the surface is so different from wood and canvas and paper---Will make a new picture tonight and post it as well...rainy February, I will try to lift myself out of the gloom with some decent art. There are two kinds of gold in this world--- external, monetary gold and internal gold. I know a lot of very rich people who I enjoy talking to as much as watching cadmium green dry, For some people the pursuit of gold comes at the cost of the internal treasure. I guess it is a Faustian deal. It must be terrible to be rich and unhappy, where does one go from there? Money is a carrot that keeps me painting and drawing and it does buy you some freedoms but it has the same Dharma as a scorpion if you are not careful...

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