Sunday, March 23, 2008

infinity (as I see it)

I would like to comment tonight on infinity. Infinity is a concept that is not to be understood from the conceptual mind, it is beyond grasping. It is like a child in a field chasing a kite that broke from its string and soars far and far away. Infinity is timelessness and thought occurs within the construct of time so we cannot taste the fruit, it is forever beyond our grasp. It is possible to meditate and go beyond thought and achieve pure being which is a state beyond thought and beyond the cold grasp of time. (I used to meditate when I was seventeen.) People cannot seem to grasp that it is possible to think of nothing. It is possible to clear the mud from the puddle and let the waters turn clear again. Infinity is beyond the normal state of mind and the universe does not really exist in time as time is ( I believe) a solely human concept. It is possible that everything that has ever been and will be exist all at the same time...but we will chase that kite another day.

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