Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Fast times at Kremlin High

I have been ensconced in research about russia and the kremlin and putin and the oligarchs--not sure how I got on this tangent but I am riding the wave straight into the shore as I am seeing correlation's to our present situation..here is my rough and unedited and typo'd rough copy.

Welcome to the New Russia. The cold war has thawed like cheap chicken and the missiles and fear have been replaced with Oligarchs and men named Vlad with yachts and mansions in London and Paris. In a land where Billions are made and lost faster than a prom dress there is not much room for rule of Law, that is left to the thugs and The State.

Putin has long stated that his mistake was letting the vast resources of oil and minerals fall into private hands and his mission is to use any means possible to to grab back the the companies and get the state's fingers back in The Pie. Putin is the quarter back and his right hand man and wide receiver is a man named Sechin, his “Chief Raider.” His job is to “look into” a companies financial “health”..this code for force lets scare the wits out of your investors and you may be let off for a fine of a few hundred million (chump change in these parts of town.) The Kremlin will knock on your door and make you an offer you “can’t refuse” maybe they will stick you with bogus tax fraud or prison or worse--- When the government grabs the reins of your horse you can bet it is only a matter of time before your entire buggy is in the ditch. The K word is like kryptonite to investors and Putin and co. take full advantage of the self started fire sales, short selling In back rooms and buying up assets for pennies on the dollar..either way, it is welcome to The STATE, The New Russia ---go team Ra Ra.

“Mrs?” “We are here to inspect your home….what is this--- mold?!” We are taking your home to make sure it is safe! “But I will be homeless!—that is not our problem!… In the United States, mortgage-backed securities sank once mighty investment banks. In Russia, it is the personal business empires of the oligarchs and the loans they took out from Western banks, putting up shares in their companies as collateral, that are at risk.

The Oligarchs are worried---The ground is sinking under them like some great Florida sinkhole and the Kremlin is their only hope. Time to make the Faustian deal. Now I will get back to my statue of liberty painting.

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