Thursday, October 16, 2008

orwell diary--oct 16th 1938

16.10.38, Villa Simont, route de Casablanca

October 16, 2008 by orwelldiaries

Yesterday intolerably hot. In the evening thunderstorms & torrential rain, flooding the ground some inches deep.

This morning a disaster. One hen dead, another evidently dying. Forget the name of the disease, which has something to do with the throat. The hen is unable to stand & head droops forward. The dead one had evidently perched for the night & then fallen off the perch. May have something to do with perching in the rain, as they all did so, though I put up another perch for them under cover.

Goats a little tamer. The wife of the Arab who works in the orange plantation & looks after the sheep says that the brown goat is in kid.

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