Thursday, May 24, 2007

Another useless fact

If you ever happen to be in the Chrysler Building and take the elevators you will be staring at an original Gardega and not even know it. I was hired years ago to re-make the elevator panels (the numbered ones) when they renovated the Chrylser building. I etched the glass so the numbers would be raised and the surrounding glass recessed. The area surrounding the numbers was coated with a metal. The numbers were left clear so light from behind can shine through. It was the most difficult thing I ever did and aged me a few years. Landmark buildings are very strict in matching originals and keeping integrity of design. I had the originals for a while now my ex- business partner has them. I would give anything to have one of those original panels. another useless fact! Much post office today, first round of art going out. Also dancers and nudes going up later so you can bid on the beach this weekend from laptop.

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