Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Someone sent me a nice amount of money to paint "whatever I want" for them. I thought it would be cool to take your through the painting process and expose my "dirty- laundry- room" full of secrets. First I am starting with a beautiful Art Board, a 16" x 20" maple painting board with a cradled backing. I was sent two boards by my friend Mary who is a westchester DJ (WSAN) and collector of my work and all around great person. First I coat boards with gesso, I water it down to milk like consistency and sand between layers with super fine sand paper. I use milk- like consistency because I am in the embryonic stage of creation and milk is most important to help give birth to genius. I get my panels from in brooklyn. They are works of art in themselves!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout, Alex, but it's WFAS, not WSAN. See you soon!