Alex now adds reality too his Tabula rasa (blank slate) in the form of a toasty- warm oil wash of burnt umber, black and burnt sienna. The gesso beneath is very smooth and sanded with 12oo grit sandpaper, just enough tooth to hold onto the paint! I am using linseed oil and another secret ingredient to give life to my underpainting (which is in fact not an under painting at all but a primary and upstanding member of the masterpiece community.)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
step three!
Alex now adds reality too his Tabula rasa (blank slate) in the form of a toasty- warm oil wash of burnt umber, black and burnt sienna. The gesso beneath is very smooth and sanded with 12oo grit sandpaper, just enough tooth to hold onto the paint! I am using linseed oil and another secret ingredient to give life to my underpainting (which is in fact not an under painting at all but a primary and upstanding member of the masterpiece community.)
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