Thursday, October 11, 2007


some sent me the following comment today----

Dude, your blog is one of the most politically slanted available! Fox News, and its hosts, for example are deplored as a right-wing mouthpiece, and really it is.

Annex Canada and Mexico by force, that's what I say.

I really have to laugh about it first and respond second. My point with the last supper painting is the idea of media being the new religion. It has replaced the church and ritual and art. I chose fox because I find it visually appealing as a surrealist. It is not a right or left statement, it is about the establishment media and where is stands in our lives. Anyone caught up in right/ left issues regarding it is missing the point. I am comforted by the fact the people who leave such comments always hide behind the courageous time-honored cloak of anonymous and begin their comments with dude. I guess my paintings are slanted because I never bring up politics on my site.

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