Thursday, October 11, 2007


I never let politics enter into my blog. I have one issue that concerns me and should be something americans are informed about as a whole. There is an effort underway to combine canada, the us, and mexico into a north american union. This is information which I think is valuable to the left or right and anyone in between. If we lose american sovereignty we lose the constitution and the bill of rights. We will then eventually fall under the jurisdiction of a global government which will make 1984 look like Seurat's famous painting a sunday afternoon in the park. One only need to go to you tube to find out reams of info about the plans for the NAU. Only one candidate has thus far spoken out against this union. There is already a currency planned as well called the amero. Lou dobbs is the only establishment media figure railing against this concept. I always feel like I stepped into a dirty puddle when I bring up anything political on any level. I feel this issue is far beyond left or right politics. Information is power.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, your blog is one of the most politically slanted available! Fox News, and its hosts, for example are deplored as a right-wing mouthpiece, and really it is.

Annex Canada and Mexico by force, that's what I say.