Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Renoir vs. Da Vinci

Renoir, when confronted with a question about the divine intelligence and majesty of Da Vinci declared--"he should have stuck to his flying machines." I try not to speak ill of the dead but renoir was a fool. The only truly great artist minds have encompassed both the scientific and the artistic. Most artists cant even spell geometry, the most basic and essential of the maths. Sacred geometry was the engine that fueled the old masters and the Renaissance and nary a word is uttered about it by artists today because they are too busy slopping paint on their pants to learn that a gnomic spiral is gods way of building a plant or growing a nautilus shell---To them Pi is something their grandma bakes, the golden mean an archaic term. In the end impressionism became just another ism and the smart money got out early. In the end there is only Da Vinci and then Dali and eventually Gardega.

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