Saturday, June 9, 2007

Marshall Arisman

In my opinion there was only one professor worth a damn when I was in art school. His name is Marshall Arisman. He is a famous illustrator and amazing fine artist. He is the closest thing we have today to William Blake or Alfred Kubin. Although he is very successful as an artist I cant understand why artists who are putting sheep in Formaldehyde are selling works for millions and Marshall is not understood more by the art world...It is always the great geniuses that are understood later in hind sight. He did have a recent stellar show in The Museum of Mainland China for his sacred monkey paintings, so maybe the world is waking up. A few years ago we went out east on long island with my brother to find buffalo. I wrote a published article about the journey for a magazine. I wished this image could show the colors better of this "black elk" painting.

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